Weekly NAMM reviewing and I run across this.
Tube pre-amp and tube power section. Full tube amp. Interesting. At only 30 watts is isn't geared to drive a full rig with a loud band but it seems able to drive a small rig for small gigs and any studio work. Also, 22 pounds. My back is doing, err, back flips at the thought. After watching a few YouTube reviews and seeing how everyone loves it - I need to find one close to hear.
But this feels like I would be going in the wrong direction. I want less gear. I want a very few effects/peddles/or processing units that I run my bass into. From there into the PA/house board. Take an out from one of the effects for my personal monitor - in ear hopefully (when they get here) - and I should be good to go. Light weight and small "rig".
Second item in this week's NAMM review was this.
But this feels like I would be going in the wrong direction. I want less gear. I want a very few effects/peddles/or processing units that I run my bass into. From there into the PA/house board. Take an out from one of the effects for my personal monitor - in ear hopefully (when they get here) - and I should be good to go. Light weight and small "rig".
Second item in this week's NAMM review was this.
This sits better on my mind with the "smaller, lighter" theme I'm shooting for.
In other reading, NoTreble had a article on playing bass or collecting basses here. I voiced my thoughts on this earlier - I am not, nor want to be, a librarian. While I can respect someone's desire to stockpile basses, I am past that stage and want only three. All five strings (of course) - fretted, fretless, and fretted with piccolo strings. The Warwick will be one of the fretted. I just need to find the other two and I'll be set.
In other reading, NoTreble had a article on playing bass or collecting basses here. I voiced my thoughts on this earlier - I am not, nor want to be, a librarian. While I can respect someone's desire to stockpile basses, I am past that stage and want only three. All five strings (of course) - fretted, fretless, and fretted with piccolo strings. The Warwick will be one of the fretted. I just need to find the other two and I'll be set.