With my usual Tejava in tow, I made the 3+ hour drive to Kernville for the one-year anniversary of Eddy Out Tap House's anniversary celebration. DigDeeper performed. As it had been over a year since I've played with JD and Ivan, this was a reunion of sorts.
My rig composed of...
1) Mesa Boogie Walkabout Scout (12 inch speaker)
2) Devon J5 petite jazz bass
I ran a line out to the board JD was running but my rig carried the room pretty well. All that wood made for a boomy room.
Ivan ran his normal percussion kit....I do love the way it sounded...and the way he played it. Very musical sounding.
JD ran his acoustic guitar through his pedal board and into the board.
Jamie, the manager of Eddy Out, shot a phone video while she roamed the venue.
The food smelled fantastic. I got the pretzel balls before I left (easy drive-time eating) and they were heaven.
The gig was a blast. Its always fun playing with JD and Ivan. I do love a three piece...so much musical room to stretch out and I never have to worry about stepping on someone's musical toes.
I get the impression DigDeeper will be back up there. Looking forward to that. Eddy Out is a nice hang out with fantastic food. Lots of beer too if you like to partake. Also, the crowd really enjoyed live music and were very appreciative.
The food smelled fantastic. I got the pretzel balls before I left (easy drive-time eating) and they were heaven.
The gig was a blast. Its always fun playing with JD and Ivan. I do love a three piece...so much musical room to stretch out and I never have to worry about stepping on someone's musical toes.
I get the impression DigDeeper will be back up there. Looking forward to that. Eddy Out is a nice hang out with fantastic food. Lots of beer too if you like to partake. Also, the crowd really enjoyed live music and were very appreciative.